Non Profit Veterans Research
While providing high-quality health care to the nation’s Veterans, the VA also conducts research on some of the most difficult challenges facing medical science today. The VA is a world leader in research areas like aging, diabetes, cancer, women’s health, AIDS, stroke, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health issues. VA research has improved medical care for Veterans and the nation.
This is a multi-site focused program of research, funded by the Department of Defense (DoD), awarded to Todd Schwedt, MD (a neurologist at Mayo Clinic). Individual
This is a multi-site study, funded by the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, awarded to Catherine Chong, PhD (a neuroscientist at Mayo Clinic).
After failure of diet and lifestyle intervention, step-wise addition of glucose-lowering medications is the usual course of therapy. Yet, responses to diabetes medications vary substantially
This Study investigates the pragmatic delivery of a novel, evidence-based smartphone “app” intervention to improve glucose metabolism in a diverse high-risk cohort of U.S. Veterans